Ecco alcuni termini che non possono non esserti familiari e che appaiono sul nostro sito, oltre che essere di uso corrente nella letteratura di settore.
La spiegazione del loro significato dovrebbe porti nella condizione di meglio comprendere il lavoro che svolgiamo, i servizi che offriamo e il tipo di attrezzatura che utilizziamo. Se hai da porci una qualsiasi altra domanda contattaci pure.
Osserva che la gran parte della terminologia – se non tutta - è di origine anglosassone. Usualmente tali termini vengono utilizzati nella loro forma nativa (ovvero in inglese) anche in altri ambiti linguistici, pertanto ne conserveremo qui la forma originaria, pur riferendone il significato in italiano.
As built – così come costruito – : detto di un modello che descrive l’esatta forma fisica di un oggetto – così come realizzato –; tanto in eventuale contrapposizione con quanto invece rappresentato nei grafici di progetto.
ACII (o ASC) – American standard code for information Interchange - : è uno standard utilizzato per rappresentare testi nei computer, apparecchi di comunicazione e altri dispositivi che utilizzano testo. Per quanto qui di interesse, tale formato può anche essere utilizzato per archiviare i dati relativi alle nuvole di punti rilevate. E’ un formato poco articolato, facilmente leggibile dalla quasi totalità di editori di testi in circolazione.
CAD – Computer Aided Design – progettazione assistita dal computer
As-built - a model which captures the exact physical shape of an object
ASCII (or ASC) - a point cloud file in text format.
CAD - Computer Aided Design
CAI - Computer Aided Inspection
CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAM2 - Computer Aided Manufacturing Measurement
CMM - Coordinate Measuring Machine
Color Map - a graphical technique to visualize differences between the measured configuration of an object and its CAD model; dimensional differences are mapped onto the CAD model using a color spectrum to indicate location and magnitude. A reference key maps the deviations to values.
Coordinate System - an origin or reference point in 3D (XYZ) space for locating or orienting an object or CAD model.
Decimation - the process of reducing the size of a polygonal model file by decreasing triangle density, resolution, and quantity.
Design Intent - the intended design of an as-built object. Every manufactured part or object varies from its original intended design by some factor. Imperfections can be identified, analyzed, and corrected in reverse engineered models.
Digital Modeling - the process of creating a computer model of an object that exactly replicates the form of the object.
Digitize - the use of a 3D measurement system to capture features of an object. Typically digitizing is used for feature-based measurement of geometry and capturing contours using section cut techniques (as opposed to dense laser scanning).
Direct 3Dview (D3Dv) - a file format, provided by DDI, that offers anyone the ability to view full 3D interactive environments and objects, directly on the web, or in stand-alone format.
Dumb Solid - a solid body in a CAD model that cannot be modified.
DXF - Drawing Interchange File - a line file which can be used to create a 3D model (native AutoCAD format).
Geometric - standard shape features such as planes, lines, circles, cylinders, spheres, etc.
Highly Engineered Modeling - the process of reverse engineering an actual part into its CAD model with Design Intent using standard geometric features and form constraints.
Hybrid Model - a polygonal model that uses rapid surfacing and traditional solid modeling techniques. Used when basic geometric features merge with complex contours.
IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification - a neutral format for exchanging CAD data between software programs.
Laser Scanning - Laser Scanning is the process of shining a structured laser line over the surface of an object in order to collect 3-dimensional data. The surface data is captured by a camera sensor mounted in the laser scanner which records accurate dense 3D points in space.
Line-of-Sight - the extent to which a laser scanner or other measurement device can capture 3D data from its vantage point. Only points which can be "seen" by the laser will be captured.
NURBS - Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline - a mathematical definition for a surface element used in CAD modeling.
Offset - a variation from a surface by a uniform distance.
Organic - features that reflect objects with complex nature; complex, non-geometric surfaces. Examples - a tree; a face; a blob.
Parametric - an object in a CAD model that can be modified simply by changing the parameters used to create it (e.g., dimensions, design constraints).
Point Cloud - the collection of points in 3D space resulting from scanning an object; represents the surface of the object.
Polygonal Model - a model of an object that is created by building triangles from the points in a point cloud; a faceted model of an object.
Portable CMM - A 6- or 7-axis portable articulating CMM arm used for 3D measurement, digitizing, and laser scanning.
Rapid Prototyping (RP) - an additive manufacturing process that creates a physical object directly from a CAD model by building it in layers.
Rapid Surfacing - a technique for creating a surface model of an object that involves wrapping surfaces over a polygonal model.
Replication Services - any service performed by Direct Dimensions which require the creation of physical objects from digital data (foam milling, rapid prototyping, machining, etc).
Reverse Engineering - the process of measuring and then creating a CAD model of an object that reflects how the object would be designed originally (Design Intent).
Solid Model - a CAD model that is defined by the volume of an object, not by its surfaces.
STEP - Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data - a neutral format for exchanging CAD data between software programs.
STL - Standard Tessellation Language - a polygonal model format that is used for rapid prototyping.
Surface Model - a CAD model of an object that is defined by its bounding surfaces.
Virtual Development - services performed by Direct Dimensions which involve creating models which will remain "virtual" in nature (web-based, animations, etc).
Water Tight - a surface model that has no gaps or holes between its surfaces.
WRL (VRML) - Virtual Reality Modeling Language - a polygonal file developed for various multimedia uses.
X_T - a parasolid file (a solid model native to Unigraphics)
I droni in edilizia § 1.1, pgg. 9 e segg.
Multicotteri e droni
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+39 0825 503367